About Us
At Norf Tutors, we deliver top-quality one-to-one and small group tutoring, along with professional childminding services, for students across all age groups. Our mission is to provide tailored education that empowers students to excel academically and grow personally, supported by a team of highly qualified tutors and a dedication to excellence.
Who We Are?
Norf Tutors was founded under the leadership of Mr. Demir, whose expertise and vision have been instrumental in shaping the success of the organization. Our team is made up of exceptional educators, including graduates from renowned universities such as Imperial College London and the University of Nottingham, as well as experienced teachers from top schools. This ensures that every student receives a first-class education designed to meet their unique needs.
Guided by Mr. Demir’s student-focused philosophy, we emphasize not only academic achievement but also the development of confidence, critical thinking, and a passion for learning.
Guided by Mr. Demir’s student-focused philosophy, we emphasize not only academic achievement but also the development of confidence, critical thinking, and a passion for learning.
Our Results
Norf Tutors takes pride in the achievements of our students. Many secure top grades in GCSEs and A-Levels, excel in selective school entrance exams such as the 11 Plus, and go on to study at prestigious universities, including Imperial College London, UCL, LSE and other esteemed universities.
The reputation of Norf Tutors continues to grow through glowing testimonials and recommendations from families who have witnessed their children thrive under our guidance.
With Mr. Demir’s leadership, we remain committed to hiring the best tutors, utilizing innovative resources, and creating tailored learning experiences that enable students to achieve their full potential. Contact us today and take the first step toward your child’s success.
Best regards,
The Norf Tutors Team